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缠论说禅主图指标公式详解 同花顺禅主图

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  • 公式更新时间:2018-10-18 14:54:24
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  • 指标公式语言:用简体中文编写


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mid : ma(close,26);

upper: mid + 2*std(close,26);

lower: mid - 2*std(close,26);


//{笔底分型 选股 //www.goodgongshi.com 确保向下笔成立后的底分型}

v00:= high<ref(high,1) and low<ref(low,1);

v01:= high<ref(high,1) and low>ref(low,1);

v02:= high>ref(high,1) and low<ref(low,1);

v03:= high>ref(high,1) and low>ref(low,1);

v04:= ref(high,2) < high and ref(low,2) < low

and ref(high,2) > ref(high,1) and ref(low,2) < ref(low,1);

v1:= count(v00,6)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,5)=0 and llvbars(low,6) = 1 and hhvbars(high,6) >= 5 and v03;

v2:= count(v00,7)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,6)=1 and llvbars(low,7) = 2 and hhvbars(high,7) >= 6 and v04;

v3:= count(v00,7)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,6)=1 and llvbars(low,7) = 1 and hhvbars(high,7) >= 6 and v03;

v4:= count(v00,8)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,7)<=2 and llvbars(low,8) = 2 and hhvbars(high,8) >= 7 and v04;

v5:= count(v00,8)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,7)<=2 and llvbars(low,8) = 1 and hhvbars(high,8) >= 7 and v03;

v6:= count(v00,9)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,8)<=3 and llvbars(low,9) = 2 and hhvbars(high,9) >= 8 and v04;

v7:= count(v00,9)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,8)<=3 and llvbars(low,9) = 1 and hhvbars(high,9) >= 8 and v03;

v8:= count(v00,10)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,9)<=4 and llvbars(low,10) = 2 and hhvbars(high,10) >= 9 and v04;

v9:= count(v00,10)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,9)<=4 and llvbars(low,10) = 1 and hhvbars(high,10) >= 9 and v03;

v10:= count(v00,11)>=3 and count(v01 or v02,10)<=5 and llvbars(low,11) = 2 and hhvbars(high,11) >= 10 and v04;

xg:= v1 or v2 or v3 or v4 or v5 or v6 or v7 or v8 or v9 or v10;


//{笔顶分型 选股 预警 确保向上笔成立后的顶分型//www.goodgongshi.com}

hv00:= high>ref(high,1) and low>ref(low,1);

hv01:= high<ref(high,1) and low>ref(low,1);

hv02:= high>ref(high,1) and low<ref(low,1);

hv03:= high<ref(high,1) and low<ref(low,1);

hv04:= ref(high,2) > high and ref(low,2) > low and ref(high,2) > ref(high,1) and ref(low,2) < ref(low,1);

hv1:= count(hv00,6)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,5)=0 and hhvbars(high,6) = 1 and llvbars(low,6) >= 5 and hv03;

hv2:= count(hv00,7)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,6)=1 and hhvbars(high,7) = 2 and llvbars(low,7) >= 6 and hv04;

hv3:= count(hv00,7)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,6)=1 and hhvbars(high,7) = 1 and llvbars(low,7) >= 6 and hv03;

hv4:= count(hv00,8)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,7)<=2 and hhvbars(high,8) = 2 and llvbars(low,8) >= 7 and hv04;

hv5:= count(hv00,8)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,7)<=2 and hhvbars(high,8) = 1 and llvbars(low,8) >= 7 and hv03;

hv6:= count(hv00,9)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,8)<=3 and hhvbars(high,9) = 2 and llvbars(low,9) >= 8 and hv04;

hv7:= count(hv00,9)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,8)<=3 and hhvbars(high,9) = 1 and llvbars(low,9) >= 8 and hv03;

hv8:= count(hv00,10)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,9)<=4 and hhvbars(high,10) = 2 and llvbars(low,10) >= 9 and hv04;

hv9:= count(hv00,10)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,9)<=4 and hhvbars(high,10) = 1 and llvbars(low,10) >= 9 and hv03;

hv10:= count(hv00,11)>=3 and count(hv01 or hv02,10)<=5 and hhvbars(high,11) = 2 and llvbars(low,11) >= 10 and hv04;

hxg:=hv1 or hv2 or hv3 or hv4 or hv5 or hv6 or hv7 or hv8 or hv9 or hv10;



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